All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
icons for Tables commands{License}
About command misreading the changelog{Installer}
Link to changeLog added to yak manifest{TableImport}
Crash when some intermediate row were null{TableImport}
Memory leak while reading excel files with empty rows{TablesReload}
Error message with the command when there is another block in the model.# Removed{License}
Former License fallback broken - OnLoadBeforeLicenseValidation(){License}
Bug where several computer may have the same machine ID (Rhinocommons updated to v1.0.7){TomKodCommons}
updated to v1.0.5. Many bug fixed concerning the licenses activation, and the offline licenses{Installer}
bug for Rhino6 package installation{TableReload}
Crash when the workbook is already openned elsewhere{TableReload}
Crash when the form for SheetName selection is closed without selecting{TableImport}
selected “SpreadSheetIndex” was not saved as it should{TableReload}
if a table’s file path is wrong, use a relative file path as fall back{Table_Duplicate}
command (RH6-7), to avoid the issue of sharing the same DimensionStyle between a table and its copy.{TomKodCommons}
API updated to v1.0.1{TomKod}
Internal module “RhinoFunctions” reorganized{TomKodCommons}
Code restructured to use TomKodCommons API (v1.0.0.0) instead of files shared between projects{TomKod}
Tooltips in license activation form{TomKod}
Help button text updated on activation form to target TomKod Server URL dynamically{TableEdit}
When the model contained several tables, and preselection wasn’t used, the edition form showed/applied the values/location of the oldest table in the doc instead of the selected one. ### Added{TableEdit}
Button to show/hide the title row or set its position above or below the table{Editor}
Option to export a Rhino table to a csv file{TomKod}
logo updated{TomKod}
Display error in commandline feedback “Online activation required before 00:00:00” (Date should be shown instead of Time){TableEdit}
Migrate rhino ‘TextHeight’ & ‘TextFont’ options to the SpreadSheet Editor ToolBar{TablesReload}
The viewport was not redrawn{TomKod}
Activation form UI revisited with tabs{TomKod}
Crash when there is no internet connexion and no TomKod license certificate (*.TkLic){TomKod}
Display refresh bug when a TomKod license certificate is picked{TomKod}
License validation form should not accept spaces (” “) in email textbox{TomKod}
The waiting form should be closable, in case in fails to close itself{TomKod}
Offline license certificate was not always read{TomKod}
TomKod about template should give the actual license status and not every messages from the License.{TomKod} is a string, CommercialLicenseStatus.ExpirationDate should be used instead{TomKod}
Offline period should be based on “EncryptedOfflineLicense” class{TomKod}
Bug with Unset plugin status, which was considered as a Beta instead of a commercial release{TomKod}
New version of the activation form, with more feedback and options.{TomKod}
Use a common abstract class for TomKod plugins{TomKod}
Implement a plugin license status, and use it in _About abstract command{TomKod}
Several license activation bugs{TomKod}
Waiting form (Floating progress bar) display should be refreshed on value update{Tomkod}
Internal code for plugin license commands{TomKod}
Possibility to desactivate a license from the license activation windows (License not tied anymore to the computer){TomKod}
Common template for every TomKod command (Abstract class){TomKod}
Support for offline activation files (*.TkLic){TomKod}
Possibility to make the licenses floating (License are disabled when Rhino is closed){Table_License}
Remove buttons should remove the selected rows/columns{Editor}
Add buttons should add a row/column right before the selected cell{License}
In case of sql connexion failure, don’t show repeated messages{License}
In case of sql connexion failure, display the domain that should be whitelisted through the firewall{License}
Waiting form icon{License}
A “Status” attribute to make the plugin free during Beta and Release-Candidate versions{License}
Deprecated licenses table system{License}
Security fix for special offline licenses{License}
Improved error messages in case of activation failure{License}
Commercial license check will only be needed once every 24 hours{License}
Commercial license can be used offline 7 days after each valid online activation{License}
TimeOut for network communication (1s/3s){License}
FallBack values for GetProductStoreID(){License}
Display a license validation progress form{License}
Help button on license activation form-{License}
Error message should be displayed in foreground
Support for TomKod floating licenses (Command “TK_SetLicenseMode” to set the license mode from rhino)